Ownership – Control – Stability – Opportunity

Shift your insurance program from a financial liability to a financial asset while shielding yourself from the volatility of the insurance market.

What is a Captive Program?

In the complex world of commercial insurance, Captive Programs stand out as a strategic solution for businesses seeking more control over their insurance costs and risk management. A Captive is a privately owned insurance company that provides insurance to and is controlled by its owners. By participating in a Captive Program, businesses can directly benefit from their own loss control efforts, often resulting in significant premium savings.

Captives allow companies to access coverage that might be unavailable or prohibitively expensive in the traditional market. They provide a unique opportunity for businesses to stabilize premiums, gain access to reinsurance markets, and capture underwriting profits that would otherwise be lost. With tailored risk management strategies, Captive Programs empower businesses to take proactive control of their insurance destiny, offering flexibility and financial advantages that traditional insurance cannot match.

A key to success in a Captive Program is the experience and guidance of the agency team with which you work. Our Captive Team has over 50 years of combined experience in Captive Operations, and Turner Insurance & Bonding Co. is one of the few agencies in the nation that have specialized in Captive Programs since they became a viable and superior option over 20 years ago. 

Explore our Captive solutions and discover how this approach can turn your liability into an asset.


  • Partners are Meticulously Chosen by Captive Owners
  • Members Control How Claims are Managed
  • Loss Control Services Customized to Member’s Needs

Stability and Profit

  • Premiums Stabilized from Year to Year
  • Fixed Costs are Controllable and Can be Reduced
  • Long-Term Business Strategy
  • Underwriting Profit


  • Share Ownership and Risk with Elite Businesses
  • Creates a Culture of Risk Management & Safety
  • An Increase in the Ownership of One of Your Largest Expenses

The key advantage of a group captive is it gives members more control over underwriting, claims, and investments compared to traditional insurance. Group captives are owned and governed by their members, not outside shareholders. By banding together, members can often achieve better coverage and pricing compared to purchasing insurance individually. Overall, group captives provide an alternative way for companies to finance their risks while turning their insurance program into an asset.